Unfortunately, goods can be damaged during transport. However, ecofort will take care of your transport damage.

It is essential that you report any transport damage to us by e-mail within 6 days. Therefore, it is important that you check every package as soon as you receive it. First look to see if the packaging shows signs of damage, such as dipped corners and edges or even holes in the packaging. If the packaging is obviously damaged, you should not accept it at all by refusing to receive it.

Next, unpack the unit and check it for external damage such as breaks or dents.  Only if the unit is undamaged, plug it into a wall socket to check that it is working properly. Press each button once to check each setting option.

If you find any damage, please take a photo of it. We also need a photo of the packaging in the appropriate place.

Send us a message right hereContact us

Put the pictures in the attachment and please also give us the order or invoice number concerned.

We will take care of the further processing and you will receive a new unit from us.

Please repack the damaged goods with all accessories. Use the original packaging even if it is damaged. The Swiss Post will contact you for collection. The delivery of the replacement unit and the collection of the damaged item do not necessarily have to take place step by step. Swiss Post will coordinate your procedures independently.